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Centres Educatius


    Language activities: 
     català      English      or Spanish

----------------- Secondary and High School --------------


Ecoclimatic Theater 

What world do we want?
Toxic World Vs Living World
Walking towards our Future...
We will observe causality

Duration: Show: 1h.  amb Workshop: 1.30h - 2h

With 1 actor:  up to 60 children

With 2 actors: up to 150 students

 5é 6é Primary and ESO

Level:In English or Catalan



Dr. Earth, will share a mindful-scientific vision, doing together amb humor a diagnosis of today's world. Through interactive sketches, they will observe the actions that lead to a toxic world and conscious actions towards a sustainable and conflict-free world. 

With the possibility of desuming a workshop with dynamics.


Values and knowledge:  Introduction to Climate Change,  interdependence and Sustainability,

ecofeminism, cooperation, Integral Mindfulness

(Innovation of the Theater of the Oppressed/ "of the rainbow" by Augusto Boal adapted to the conflicts regarding the Climate).



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Theater Forum:

Happy Sweet / Sweet happiness

1er or 2nd of ESO (adapted)

Values: Observing the bond of sweets,  alcohol and other drugs. Sharing Vs competing, Inner peace, acceptance, patience, Mindfulness, Integral and Eco Vs refined,


The journey to happiness of Bob, a boy   who wants to be happy all the time, not just for a while. He comes to a conclusion: the more sweets, the happier and the longer!! In his search for the perfect sweet, a wise man who meets him along the way presents him with magic glasses and communicates a special message to him:
"Find the sweet inside."
Will Bob be able to understand this message?

 Performance involving and adapted to + high school "addictions". Networks, cell phones,... alcohol?
Another perception of happiness.



Duration:45-55 min.

1 actor:  up to 60 students

   2 actors: up to 120 students

English level: Adapted to 1st or 2nd ESO


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Special Valentine's Day/des 

Saint George

Valentine's day

Juliet and Romeo...


 1er o 2n d'ESO

Durada: 45-55 min.

1 tallerista-actor:  fins a 60 alumnes

What is it in a Rose...
that makes it smell so sweet?
Juliet and Romeo/Capulet Vs Montague


what is love Would you die for love? 

What is a name? Would you die for a name?

We will analyze parts of the text of Romeo & Juliet. the confusion that leads to the drama of two lovers and the conflict between clans with different names.

Duration:45-55 min.

1 workshop-actor:  up to 60 students


English level: Adapted to 1st or 2nd ESO


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Mr. GreenClean Vs Mr. Greendirt
Who offers the best (from) for the world?

The audience will have the opportunity to observe what each character has to offer, and distinguish which one can make everyone happier... A very "cool" one with expensive clothes that changes every Friday and can prodúir what you want to buy..., or one that is able to offer a sublime experience in nature. Which services are affected the most? (with scales of intensity, length in time, and more people. -Fun way to introduce awareness into consumption-).

Duration:45-55 min.

1 workshop-actor:  up to 60 students


English level: Adapted to 1st or 2nd ESO


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00:00 / 02:24


Who is really the Alien?
All flowers and plants are equally special
Inclusivity, equity, empathy.

Who is special? Are you, is she? are we?...

In a garden, flowers of different colors, appearance, condition, smell, tastes, beliefs,...but there is something similar in all of them.  Akiara, who seems to come from space, is troba  some flowers arguing about which is the best. It will introduce the magical/mindful glasses that will allow you to see the wonderful in each.
A story about acceptance, inclusiveness and collaboration.


Values: Inclusion, cooperation, acceptance, empathy, Mindfulness, empowerment, self-esteem.

Boys and girls from Initial, middle or higher cycle


Duration:45-55 min.

1 actor:  up to 60 students

   2 actors: up to 120 students


English level: Adapted according to the Cycle

Flor lila guinyo.jpg

Qui és més especial?.... o ho som totes?       Selfies, Maca-maco, impressionant, ....


A un jardí, flors de diferents colors, aspecte, condició, olor, gustos, creences,...però hi ha quelcom similar en totes.  Akiara, què sembla venir de l'espai, es troba  unes flors discutint sobre quina és la millor i la més maca.

Introduirà les ulleres màgiques/mindful i amb una dinàmica interactiva es podrà que cadascuna de les flors té valor ... Akí i Ara
Una història sobre acceptació, inclusivitat i col·laboració.


Valors: Anti-bullying, Inclusió, cooperació, acceptació, empatia, Mindfulness, apoderament, autoestima.


----------------- All --------------

An Integrator show inspiring a NEW Course
Inviting ...  Teachers, Students, Mothers and fathers.

Live and see life
with Conscious-Mindfulness Glasses

The wise Griolf will introduce us to the "Conscious Glasses/Mindfulness" which are useful in any situation. Sketches on how to transform everyday life with Mindfulness.

jobsfromColeorjobsto thehome,transformed:

English, Biology, Mathematics,...Wash dishes, set the table, order,

Emotional management, relationship with oneself, others, the world...


Stopping, feeling the breath, changes any situation.


  Ideal for the beginning of the school year.

Introducing Mindfulness with show and humor.

Duration:45-55 min.

1 actor:  up to 60 people

   2 actors: up to 120 people

 2+1 ACTORS/technician

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Option  Mindfulness workshops, emotional management or crisis responses for Teachers,  Students, AFAS*

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Workshops for Primary

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